Keep your facebook account safe

Hello friends,Now a days aprox. eachand every internet user is on facebook, And facebook has became so popular that it has No.2 rank on the basis of pageviews , You can guess who is No.1 its the giant GOOGLE Lets get back to our topic. So friendsit has became so tuff task to keep your facebook account safe, today I am telling you some methods that canhelp you to keep you facebook account free from problems. Here are some methods that can make your account safe

1. Set the security setting on your profile to "Only my friends." by doing this you can keep your personal things from exposing to bad guys who can use and try to takeover your account

2.Don't post any bad photo of you (for example, while you are smoking) on facebook as it may get on the eyes of your parents or School prinicpal.

3. Don't put your Phone numbers,address as someone might call you and disturb.

4. Change your password and recovery email address time to time to keep your account safe from being captured by anyone.

 5. Don't confuse that facebook is an online dating site.

6. Remember that most of theprofiles on facebook are fake, most probably a beautiful girl profile on facebook has a huge chances to be fake.

7. Don't login on any site other than, even it seems to be ditto copyto facebook original page elseit may result you to lose youraccount

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