5 Steps to Disable or Enable Administrator Using Command Prompt

The simple tips and trick title for today is 5 Steps to Disable or Enable Administrator Using Command Prompt. this tips and trick was absolutely easy, but maybe not many people know about it.

This tips and trick actually continuing our last post about How to add user with administrator rights using command prompt, where we can add a user with administrator rights, and now we will learn how to enable or disable the administrator or delete the user usingcommand prompt.


1. Command prompt (administrator role)

5 Steps to Disable or Enable Administrator Using Command Prompt:ri

1. Open up your command prompt.

    press Windows logo(on your keyboard) + R –> type 'cmd' –> enter

2. First, we will list the users on the system by running net user command.

5 Steps to Disable or Enable Administrator Using Command Prompt

3. We can disable the built-in administrator user with this command net user administrator /active:no and it will return the message

    the command completed successfully

4. To enable again the built-in administrator user, you can do with this command net user administrator /active:yes and if correct, it will return the message

    the command completed successfully

5. To delete the specific user, you can do wth this command net user USERNAME /del.

    net user Hacking-tutorial.com /del

5 Steps to Disable or Enable Administrator Using Command Prompt


1. You also can delete the user by using windows GUI.

Press Windows logo + R and type control nusrmgr.cpl
Press Windows logo + R and type control nusrmgr.cpl - See more at: http://www.hacking-tutorial.com/tips-and-trick/5-steps-to-disable-or-enable-administrator-using-command-prompt/#sthash.P4xnG4JH.dpuf
Press Windows logo + R and type control nusrmgr.cpl - See more at: http://www.hacking-tutorial.com/tips-and-trick/5-steps-to-disable-or-enable-administrator-using-command-prompt/#sthash.P4xnG4JH.dpuf
Press Windows logo + R and type control nusrmgr.cpl
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