How to Get Free Instagram Followers

Today i’m come back with new trick “how to get free instagram followers”.  Instagram is an amazing social network, and for sharing photos and videos. However, Instagram is only fun when other people are following you, and if you signed up recently, the chances are that hardly anyone is following you at first. In this article you are going to discover how to get instagram followers in a 100% ethical and non-spammy wayand also about how to track instagram followers and also how and where to buy instagram followers. A lots of people searching about to get free instagram followers.

Get Free Instagram Followers

Here i’m going to share best strategies to get free instagram followers fast. Follow these steps to get more instagram followers and then you don’t need to spend bucks to buy instagram followers.
1) Complete Your Profile

First thing is to get more free instagram followers is to complete your profile. Complete your bio add up your intrest, about. Always provide your information because people never want yo follow fake personality. So, it’s better to fill up your geniue info on instagram.

2) Post Awesome Photos and Videos

If wanna increase your followers the best way is to post AWESOME photos and videos. People generally post only photos but believe me if you will post some funny or informative video then you will definitely get more like and also more followers on instagram because More Likes = More Followers.

3) Use Popular Tags

Well, if you are not using the #Tags then you will never get more free instagram followers. Because just like with Twitter and other social sites, instagram users prefer certain tags over others. Here is list of popular tags that you should use when you post photos or videos to get more instagram followers.


4) Post At Right Time

The “Time” is the real key factor. Post according to the time zone of your followers. Mostly people uses instagram on morning or at night the best time to post is on Wednesdays between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. Because in this time the most of people active and the usually likes your pics and will post more comments which will help you to increase your instagram followers.

5) Connect your Instagram account with Facebook

Well… this is great way to increase your instagram followers instantly. About 76% of facebook user uses Instagram so connecting your account with facebook will definitely helps you to increase your followers. Follows your facebook friends and they will follows you back !!

6) Likes Other people’s Photos and Videos

For every one hundred likes I did on random photos of other users (whom I didn’t follow), I generated 21.7 likes on my photos and 6.1 more followers. I did not have to follow people back for this to work.

7) Ask Questions in Photo Captions

A simple and effective way to receive more likes on your photos is to simply ask a question in the photo’s caption. Not only will this increase your amount of likes, it can increase comments. And, as we’ve mentioned numerous times already, engagement is the best way to increase the amount of followers on Instagram.

8) Use Apps to Increase Followers

Use photo-editing apps to enhance your photos before you post them on Instagram which will attract people and this will also helps you to increase free instagram followers. There are a lot of easy to use photo editing apps on the market. Below are a few of the best apps :

InstaSize : Android | iOS

HDR Fx Pro : Android | iOS

InstaFrame : Android | iOS

VSCO Cam : Android | iOS

So, this is all about how to get free instagram followers, track instagram followers. I hopes this article helped you alot and also saves your money to buy instagram followers. Use above methods to get real instagram followers.
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