how to hack any smartphone


    1. Backtrack 5 r3 (using backtrack for this example as SPF is pre-installed), i recently posted a article, how to download, install and run backtrack 5 in windows.
    2. Portforwarding (if you are using this outside of your own network)
    3. Xampp for linux (guide to installing this will be in the tutorial)
    4. A phone (for example I will be using my Android Phone)

Step 1) Installing Xampp:

        First of all, go Here to get Xampp.
        Once xampp has finished downloading, go to your home directory and you should have a file called “download.php?xampp-linux-1.7.3a.tar.gz” rename it to something like “xampp.tar.gz“.
        In your terminal window run

tar xvfz xampp.tar.gz -C /opt

    Everything should be installed and you can find xampp in /opt/lampp/directory.

Step 2) Configuring Xampp:

/opt/lampp/lampp start
/opt/lampp/lampp stop

To start and stop the Xampp service

    Once Xampp has started, go to “localhost” in your browser and select your language. Navigated to “Phpmyadmin” and create a new database called “framework”.
    Next add a new user by going to the “privileges” tab then “add a new user”.
    Use whatever username and password you want and select “local” from the hosts list.
    Make sure you “Check All” global privileges, then click go.
    Now delete the htdocs folder in /opt/lampp/

Step 3) Configuring SPF Files:
        Navigate to the SPF config file

/pentest/exploits/smartphone-pentest-framework/frameworkconsole/configand Replace

    Ip Address For Websrever – with your local/public ip.
    Ip Address TO Listn on for Shells – with your local/public ip.
    Ip Address of SQL Server if Localhost – with
    Username of the MYSQL User to use – with the username you made in phpmyadmin
    Password of the MYSQL User to use – with the password of the user you set.

Step 4) Configuring SPF:

        Open up the smartphone-pentest-framework window by going to:

applications>backtrack>exploitation tools>wireless exploitation tools>gsm exploitation>Smartphone-pentest-framework.

    Select option 4 then select option 2.
    Input your phone number, then input a 7 digit control key to connect to your victims and then enter the path you want your app to located on your webserver (I will be using /). Now don’t expect anything to happen just yet, you need to configure your phone with SPF.
    Locate the file:


    And move it over to your phone by uploading it to dropbox or just connecting your phone to your computer.
    Install it then open it up. Put in the details you filled out a minute ago in
    SPF and your ip the webserver is setup on and press setup.

Step 5) Attacking People:

        Open up smartphone-pentest-framework and select option 6 then pick between the direct download (just sends a text to the person from your phone with a direct download to the file) or client side shell (uses a browser exploit in android phones to give you shell access).
        If you select option 1 you must move the file


    To your root directory.
    Once you get a victim, just open up smartphone-pentest-framework again, select option 1, fill in the details and you can then control the victim from your mobile phone.
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