How to Transfer Mobile Balance in All Networks

Mobile Balance Transfer

Mobile Balance Transfer

How to Transfer Mobile Balance in All Networks :-
Transfer Mobile Balance From Idea to Idea

Open Phone Dialer of your Android Mobile Phone or Any phone

Dial *151*idea-mobile-number*Amount you are transfering#

Example *151*9793828543*10#

Now You will get a message with notification that the amount has transferred you can only send to local idea number and you can send amounts like 5,10,20,50,100,150 and you can send 5 time/day and it has to send in a gap of 5 min.
Transfer Mobile Balance From Airtel to Airtel

To Transfer amount from your mobile,open Phone Dialer
Then Dial *141#.You will get a menu like this

1. Share Talk Time
2. Happy Hours
3. Take Advance Talktime/Ask For Talk Time
4. Auto Credit
5. Gift Pack
6. Poke Call
7. Call me back SMS
8. Account
9. Help

Reply with 1 and Press OK.

Now You Have to enter the amount you want to share to another mobile and then enter the mobile number and balance is to be transferred.
The Amount Will be transferred from One Airtel to another.You can make upto 5 balance transfer per day
Transfer Mobile Balance From Vodafone to Vodafone

For Mobile Balance Transfer, You have to dial *131*Amount*Friend Number#
For Example:*131*10*9541545477#
And the the amount will be transferred shortly.
Transfer Mobile Balance From Aircel to Aircel

In order to send money all you need to do is dial *122*666#
Follow instructions on the your mobile screen
Enter the mobile number and amount to be transferred.
Your amount will be transferred instantly.You will be charged Rs 2 for every transaction.
Transfer Mobile Balance From Tata Docomo To Tata Docomo

You have send a message for this
Send BT Mobile Number RechargeAmount to 54321
For example: BT 9793828543 50       send this message to  54321
Wait for few second and Your amount will transferred shortly
Transfer Mobile Balance From Reliance to Reliance

For transferring Balance dial *367*3# then dial *312*3#
Enter the mobile number and the balance is to be transferred and amount to be send
Your Balance will be transferred instantly.
Transfer Mobile Balance From Uninor to Uninor

Open Phone Dialer and dial *202*Mobile Number*Amount#
Your Mobile balance Will be transferred shortly.

Now you know How to Transfer Mobile Balance in All Networks from one phone to another phone. If you like this post don’t forget to share with your friends.

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