How to do calculations on Command Prompt ?

The command processor CMD.EXE comes with a mini calculator that can perform simple arithematic operations:

C:\>SET /A 5+3
C:\>SET /A 3*(9/4)
C:\>SET /A (4*5)/5

How to Create your own Run Command ?

Step 1: Go to “Start,” “Run,” (told you we use it a lot) and type regedit.

Step 2: Navigate to the following:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Apps Path

Step 3: Create a new folder/key under Apps Path. (Right-Click Apps Path and click “New,” “Key.”)

Step 4: Title the new folder/key the name of the application, e.g. firefox.exe.

Step 5: Right-Click the default string value (the thing automatically created in your new folder) and click Modify.

Step 6: Change the value to the path of the executable you are attempting to run. E.g. C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe.

Step 7: Create a new “String Value” by right-clicking under the default value (the thing we just edited) and select “New,” “String Value.” Name it Path and enter the value as the same path you previously entered.

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