Find Who is Connected to Your Wi-Fi

Worried of slow connections on using Wi-Fi? Do you think somebody might been using your Wi-Fi connection?  How will it be if you been able to find who is connected to your Wi-Fi with (or without) your know?
Yes, it is Possible for you to find who is using your Wi-Fi connection.
Lets Get Started:
There are two methods available for you to find the connected devices with your router.

 1) Finding Devices Connected to WiFi Connection

Via Router:

By default, all the router provides with this feature. For that, we need to login to your router’s admin panel and move over to Connected Devices. Your Router configuration page can provide you so much of information about your WiFi connection including the number of people connected to your WiFi connection.


The router’s admin panel differs with each model, and here it is for netgear router.

2) Using Tools(softwares)-the easiest method:

If you could not follow with the first method, then this trick will help you to find out the connected devices.
Download and Install (any one of the below tools)

  •     Wireless Network Watcher
  •     Connectify

In this method you will be using a small tool to scan your WiFi connection for the connected devices, Press Scan

As soon as you run and scan the tool you will get the complete list of devices connected to your WiFi connection along with their assigned IP address and Mac Address.

By this way you will need to find who is connected to your Wi-Fi.
Incase if you find any other ip and a MAC address apart from yours, you can block that particular MAC address from getting connected to your connection.

Secure your Router 

Configure your router:

Goto your router’s official website and check  with your model number for a firmware update. If there is an update for your model, then download and install it. By doing this, your router will have the latest firmware thus resulting in less attacks and security.
Find the list of Connected Devices:

Look out for this option on your router interface. A button named link or attached devices will take you to the list. This list can be seen on the configuration page of WiFi or on any status page which will bring out complete information about the users of the router.
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