Run Android Apps on Google Chrome

As far as concerned, Google Chrome is one of the top most web browser in the world. Its beacause of its stability and browsing speed. Google Chrome offers huge variety of extensions and plugins which increases its productivity.

Archon Apk packager for Google Chrome lets  you to open APK files directly on your Google Chrome.
Now it is possible to run almost all android apps on Google Chrome, with this chrome extension.
Chrome browser allows us to use android apps within it, with the help of a supporting chrome extension, which is a GitHub Project.

To Run Android Apps

1) Make Sure you have the latest version of Google Chrome.

2) Now download the Archon Chrome Extension for running android apps inside Google Chrome. Move to Extensions page in chrome, and  make sure you enable the Developer Mode button by clicking on it

3) Now load the downloaded extension manually. To do this, Click Load unpacked extension button

4) You will now need an APK that will be converted to a format that ARChon extension supports. You can transfer the APK from your device, or you can download the one from sites like XDA Developers.

5) Move  to the Twerk page at the official Chrome store and click on “FREE”. It will download the Twerk Chrome app on your PC.

 6) A prompt will appear asking you  to add the selected app to your browser. Click on “Add” and it will be added to your browser.

7) This twerk app will prompt us to  drop an APK file , so that it converts .Drag the APK you copied earlier and drop it onto the twerk window.
8) As soon as you drop an APK, it will launch the information panel with some fields pre-filled in for you. You will need to enter the application name though. Enter the name for your app, and click on the pink Android icon given at the bottom.

9) You will now be asked where you want to save the converted file.,select your desired location  as the destination and click “Select.”Your output file will be saved on this location.
10) After the output file( converted file) process is complete, twerk app should say “AppName as been built”. Means that the APK was successfully converted to be used with ARChon extension.

11) Open a new tab , and switch over to chrome://apps. It will open the extensions page. Then, click on the button that says “Load unpacked extension”. It will let you add the converted APK to your browser.

12) Locate the folder which is generated by twerk app, and click on Select
13) The selected folder will then be imported to your browser. Then, open a new tab and type in chrome://apps and hit Enter. You will be able to see the app you converted  using Twerk. Just click on it and it will launch.

That’s it! Now you can open your Android apps on your favourite browser Google CHrome!
NOTE: This only works for the Google Chrome browser on your PC.

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