Simplest method to Backtrack Emails (Email header analysis)

Hello friends, today I am going to tell you how to backtrack emails received. Emails information are stored in headers of email, reading which one can easily tack email messages, along with sender's location and IP address.

In my previous post, I've told how to send fake email messages (sending anonymous mails from someone's ID without letting him know). This tracking process can track those messages whether it was sent from original sender or its a fake one!

I'm going to tell you the simplest method for this. You need not to know about programming, IP address etc. I mean, no need to read each line of header, I'm going to provide something better, something you really gonna love.

Follow these steps:

1. Go to the email you want to track.
2. For yahoomail, Click on "More", and then on "View Full Header".

3. Copy all the codes which will be now seen in next window.

4. Go to this site.
5. Paste all header code in text area and then click on "Analyze Header".
6. You will get all information of that mail in the result.

Step 2 For Gmail, click on down arrow near reply icon, and then click on Show Original.

Go to Step 3 now.

WoW! Isn't so simple!!!
Alternate site for doing same is:

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