Some Twitter Tricks You Might Never Heard Of!

Twitter, being a huge competitor in Social Networking site with more than 170 billion active users worldwide. The use of Twitter has been daily increasing with its security features.
Twitter has a huge users worldwide since its popularity and reliability has made it to reach great heights. Pretty much everyone knows how to put a tweet together and how to reply to users, but what about more advanced features such as shortcuts.
But there are plenty of twitter tips and tricks which you never heard of!

Let’s have a few of them here.

  Keyboard Shortcuts 

 Deleting Location Information

While you can turn Geotagging on, sometimes you might not want people to know where you’re are or have tweeted from. If this is the case, head to settings and you will find the option under ‘Tweet location.’
                 Settings-> Tweet Location-> Geotagging                            

Linking to Facebook account

The majority of social media sites allow cross-posting and Twitter is no exception. In your profile settings, you will find this option at the bottom of the page underneath your bio.

Schedule Tweets

Sometimes you can come up with a good tweet, but feel that it’s not ready to be posted for the world to see. If that’s the case, there’s a vast number of apps and tools that will allow you to schedule tweets for later. Tweetdeck is one example and if you’re looking for something a little more advanced, then Buffer is a great tool to use.

Embedding Tweets

Instead of taking screenshots of a tweet, you can now embed it into your blog post and allow visitors to interact with it if they were viewing it on Twitter. To do this, find the tweet you want, expand it and click details. You will see the option “Embed this tweet” appear in a new screen.
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