A new Facebook Malware in the form of a Trojan is infecting hundreds of thousands of Facebook users in only two days.
This trojan is slightly different from previos social network related Malware. For example, the previous trojans sent messages (on behalf of the victim) to the victim’s friends. When the friends were infected, the malware could go one step further and infect the friends of the initial victim’s friends.
There is an temporary solution for identifying the Malware from Seclist, this information might come in handy:
The SHA1 of the executable file (fake flash player)
: b836facdde6c866db5ad3f582c86a7f99db09784
The fake flash file drops the following executables as it runs:
chromium.exe, wget.exe, arsiv.exe, verclsid.exe.
The malware is able to hijack keyboard and mouse movement from an initial investiagation from Seclist.
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