Learn how to search

Use of Internet is an integral part of learning and searching information for students. Be it for assignments, research or plain surfing students just Google and get the information. It is an extremely important tool to find information. But the problem comes in sifting the right information. To get the right information one needs to distinguish the primary and secondary sources of information available.

Web search is a remarkable tool and if instructions in how to search are available academic sources will help students to become an independent thinker.

For this Google has come up with an excellent tool to help and teach students to become a better searcher. Google’s Search Education site offers a plethora of beginner, intermediate, and advanced search lesson plans related to picking the right terms, understanding results, narrowing a search, searching for evidence for research tasks, and evaluating the credibility of sources.

The site offers lesson plans to be download to develop students' search literacy skills, Power searching to improve search skills and learn advanced tips with online lessons and activities, A Google a Day Challenges that put students' search skills to the test with these trivia challenges and Live Training for live search trainings or watch past trainings from search experts.

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